Shout Outs!
The Oklahoma State Junior Greek Life Presents
their annual Scott Carter HEROES Basketball Classic
For nearly a decade, the OSU Junior Greek Life has supported the Scott Carter Foundation through a collegiate philanthropic event they created and host each year- the annual Scott Carter HEROES Basketball Classic. This year they presented the Foundation with a check for nearly $5,000.00 We appreciate their ongoing efforts to end childhood cancer!

This year's winners were Fiji and Kappa Kappa Gamma!

This year's winners were Fiji and Kappa Kappa Gamma!
The Women of Pi Beta Phi at
University of Southern California host "Arrowspike!"
"Fight On!" and a big Thank You to the women of Pi Beta Phi at the University of Southern California. This amazing chapter hosts an annual sand volleyball tournament and continues to include the Scott Carter Foundation as one of their beneficiaries. Thank you, Pi Phi Ladies!
D.U.I. Does it Again!
The Scott Carter Foundation is incredibly grateful for the continued generosity of Duke University Improv. Since its inception almost two decades ago, D.U.I. has been hosting a "Big Show" to benefit children's cancer research through The Scott Carter Foundation. We love their quick wit and generous hearts.

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