Upcoming Events
In an effort to fulfill Scott’s dream of finding a cure for Childhood Cancer, we hold a variety of fundraising events throughout the year. Please check back often to see what's coming up next!

2020-2021 Walt Disney World Race Registration is HERE!
When you know what you're ready to sign up for, or if you have questions,
please feel free to email us at: SCFMarathonCoordinator@gmail.com.
2020 Scott Carter Golf Classic
The 2020 Scott Carter’s Heroes Golf Classic
will be held VIRTUALLY during the US Open
September 17-20, 2020
That means you don't have to know how to play golf this year to participate and win amazing prizes.
Register and join us below!
The 27th Anniversary HEROES Golf Dinner and Auction
Sunday, September 20th, 2020

Scott Quotes:
"Whatcha got for the one-legged division?"
- Scott Carter
after a golf tournament where he lost